cooking, eating, feeding…and finding some other fun along the way.

Archive for the ‘Feminism’ Category

Books and Puppies


October 2nd, 2010 Posted 8:15 pm

I just finished reading a book that has been on my shelf for a while….

prodigal summer

  I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys Kingsolver.  It was spectacular and it made me miss a few things:

  1. Kentucky (especially the fact that one of the main characters spent her college career in an apartment on Euclid Ave.)
  2. Thunderstorms.  Big, booming, loud thunderstorms.
  3. Writing and talking about novels.  Not enough to go back and take English classes again, but enough to make me want to keep reading Kingsolver.  I have Animal Dreams on my “to read” shelf…it was an assigned reading during grad school, but I don’t remember actually reading it—that seems like a bad sign.  I have also heard good things about The Bean Trees, and have my eye out for a cheap used copy. Any Kingsolver or Kingsolver-esque recommendations?


IMG_0269 (Small)

(Click Santana’s awesome face to jump to her blog for more pictures of her new squeaky dragon friend named Pinky.)

Yay Yay Yay!!!

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January 29th, 2009 Posted 2:55 pm

“So in signing this bill today, I intend to send a clear message: That making our economy work means making sure it works for everyone. ”

Sign away!!


Also, that in order to make the economy work we need to cut contraception support from the stimulus package so that republicans can still not vote for it? Well, everything can’t to be perfect and I’ll be grumpy about the stimulus package later, but Lily Ledbetter has been fighting for this fair pay act for a long time and it’s nice to see it get signed after following it and being generally annoyed by the situation.  Yea Lily Ledbetter!  I hope that if I am ever in any kind of situation like this, I can have the determination and strength that she has shown!

Posted in Feminism, Life, Politics??

To celebrate Obama, puppies (old and young), hope, progress, love, the luck of still having jobs, and life in general…


January 14th, 2009 Posted 1:27 pm

Let’s try to get back to blogging regularly!