Archive for January, 2011
Craft time!
January 17th, 2011 Posted 10:12 pm
I took down the final trace of Christmas today…
By the time all of the holiday cards came in the mail, it ended up looking like a giant mass of randomness on our wall, but it started out as a crafty attempt to display our cards.
Stolen from/inspired by Martha Stewart, I started with my hot glue gun, the largest embroidery hoop I could find, some wide wired ribbon and two sizes of clothespins. Hot glue was strung everywhere, and I burned many fingertips in the process.
I twisted the last bit of ribbon to hang it and started adding cards. At first, we had so few I had to include my mom’s Thanksgiving card and our own holiday card. Eventually we had so many cards I had to add clothespins to the hanging ribbon, creating the holiday-card-blob seen above.
Now it is completely empty, but still on the wall. I like the green ribbon because it was Christmas-y enough, but it also complements the white and yellow of our living room/entry way walls. My next project is to find a handful of pictures to display here during all non-Christmas times.
I have been really bad at snapping shots of our culinary adventures, but there have been some tasty ones, and I promise I intend to get back to some regular posting soon.
Posted in Craftiness, Holidays