cooking, eating, feeding…and finding some other fun along the way.

Weekend Fun!

As predicted, Lady in Pink has taken on a whole new look! Welcome to the all new Bacon-Wrapped Life!! Stay tuned for a post/page that talks about what that means and how it relates to what goes on in the blog.   Thanks to wonderful wonderful Matt for putting up with me while he tried to help make my blog a little more personalized!! I spent a good portion of Saturday moaning and groaning that the blog was ruined and it would never look right….after I shut up and waited a few more minutes, Matt had everything where I wanted it!! He’d taken the images and designs I’d made in Publisher and turned them into a blog! Wow! I’m a lucky lucky girl to have a boyfriend who will put up with me when I am whining and complaining!

Another fun blog note, Missy is having another giveaway! This time for Michael Seasons Natural Snacks…these look super yummy, so enter her contest and cross your fingers!!

Speaking of Missy, she does a great job of updating throughout the work day (I take a break from answering emails and working on applications every couple hours to check all the blogs!) and after looking at the pictures of her yummy wraps for lots of recent lunches, I found myself with a crazy craving for spinach wraps!

So we bought wraps instead of our usual bread and made tasty grilled wraps which were filled with:

  • Ham
  • Turkey
  • Center cut bacon (30% less fat than regular bacon!)
  • Provolone Cheese
  • A tiny bit of light mayo and mustard
  • Lettuce
  • Tomatoes
  • A drizzle of olive oil and red wine vinegar
  • Grated parmesan cheese

wrap (Custom)

So delicious! We had it with some store-bought macaroni salad and kettle-cooked potato chips…very satisfying dinner. I had a repeat of it for lunch today (minus the bacon, oil & vinegar, and obviously not grilled) with some honey mustard dressing from the cafeteria.  Thanks for the inspiration Missy! Also thanks to the George Forman Grill for the toasty toasty wonderfulness on the outside of our wraps!nachos

Earlier in the weekend we also had another blog-inspired meal!  When Dori did her blogger interview a couple weeks ago she had a picture of nachos on her site until the next time she updated.  So every couple hours when I made the rounds of blogs at work for a few days I would be greeted by this really tempting picture of loaded nachos! At some point in discussing our love of nachos, we got onto the topic of individually-topped nachos, which I have had at Chili’s before, and that Dori said they now have at TGI Fridays! 

So, of course I have been dreaming of nachos for a few weeks.  Matt and I even tried to find loaded nachos at the small mexican bar/restaurant down the road (in the middle of my sick day)…no such luck! They have delicious chips and salsa and an amazing black bean dip, but not exactly what I was craving.  SO we used cheese, black beans and chopped onions and made these:


We served them with sour cream and salsa (not homemade, because it was a lazy day) on a giant serving platter that we both ate off of.  SO satisfying to have a bite of everything on each chip!! Thanks goes to Dori for the tempting nacho picture on her blog for inspiring this one!

Because I have been busy getting work done, we’ve been pretty low key, but we have some fun things on the menu for this week so I’m going to try and get pictures of everything!  Plus we’ll be making some more minor changes to the blog design when we have time. Hooray for fun projects and yummy food! Have a great week!

This entry was posted on Monday, March 23rd, 2009 at 10:05 pm and is filed under Fun, interwebs, Matthew, Yum. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “Weekend Fun!”

  1. Dori
    7:07 am on March 24th, 2009

    OMG THE NACHOS YOU MADE LOOK AMAZING now you transferred the craving to me!

    So cute that Missy inspired your delicious looking wrap!

  2. Missy
    7:18 am on March 24th, 2009

    Thanks for the shout out!! Your new layout looks great!

  3. Dori
    7:38 am on March 24th, 2009

    Matt’s a boy

  4. matthew
    5:18 pm on March 24th, 2009

    I love the new layout! 🙂

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