cooking, eating, feeding…and finding some other fun along the way.

Comfort Food Guest Post from Mom


I have more recipes and things to post, but haven’t gotten myself organized enough to find time for them.  I am expecting a pile of editing work this weekend, so hopefully next week I’ll get back on track.  Until then, here’s another one from my mom!! This is pretty much top secret information I’m about to share, so be grateful.  My grandma makes something we have always called Easter Bread…it has very little to do with Easter for me, since I remember eating it all the time.  She used to send it to me in college and one of my roommates and I would devour an entire loaf…it’s amazing. Super simple, but somehow you have to get it just right otherwise it won’t be the same.  My mom has been working hard trying to get it to be as good as grandma’s, and she is pretty close…there’s just something about grandma food, right?? 

Anyway, here it is.  Can you really go wrong with bread, cheese, pepperoni and ham?? Nope! I actually like it better when it is leftover in the fridge after a day or two (if it lasts that long).  The bread is nice and chewy and soft and because it’s all rolled up, you get a bit of cheese, pepperoni and ham in each bite and it’s one of the most comforting snacks for me 🙂 Take it away mom!

Easter Bread à la Grandma, via Mom

Or as mom calls it: “For the girls that need to add a couple inches to the waistline.” Of course that’s not me and I really don’t know any.  Never as good as  hers but we keep trying cause it is so yummy.

  • Bread dough rolled thin (Mallory note: mom has a bread maker, which makes this part wonderfully easy…I have no bread maker and have not yet attempted to make this for that exact reason.)
  • Ham, Pepperoni and cheese  -  sharp please
  • Dad and I started adding some pizza seasoning too
  1. roll…seal with cold water
  2. 350 for 30 minutes…

I love my cheese but too much will make it burst… When some bursts out of the badly sealed edges  -  YOU get to eat it….
forgetting the seasoning on the 2nd loaf Great for me to take to work for breakfast
I can get flour all over the kitchen in 2 seconds.. Wonderful heated slightly with some tomato or marinara sauce for dipping (Mallory note: AGREED!)

 easterbread1 (Small) easterbread2 (Small) easterbread3 (Small) easterbread4 (Small) easterbread5 (Small)

This entry was posted on Friday, June 26th, 2009 at 7:22 am and is filed under Family, Guest Posts, Holidays, super-friends, Yum. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

7 Responses to “Comfort Food Guest Post from Mom”

  1. Dori
    8:00 am on June 26th, 2009

    I not a fan of the ham, but the cheese and pepperoni sounds and looks sooo yummies. I would especially love to eat the burst cheese!

  2. Mallory
    8:25 am on June 26th, 2009

    I know!!! Doesn’t that bursting out cheese look like the best bite ever?? If I was at home that wouldn’t have lasted very long!

  3. Corey
    11:25 am on June 26th, 2009


    I miss this. 🙁

    brb, flying to NY to break in to your parents’ house.

  4. Michele
    2:24 pm on June 26th, 2009

    Mal- You could use turkey or whatever when you make it for Dori.
    Or just do double pepperoni,
    Make sure you seal it good before you send it to her!!

  5. Dori
    2:27 pm on June 26th, 2009

    Michele – Double pepperoni sounds great to me!

  6. Michele
    2:29 pm on June 26th, 2009

    Oh wait. Mallory, your grandmother cheated a couple weeks ago and used Pillsbury dough to make it. She said you couldn’t tell the difference. I know you and I could but it sounds good.

  7. Aunt Lori
    3:21 pm on June 26th, 2009

    I love the Easter bread too! I do think it is best to stick to the original recipe–from our grandmother, right Michele? No pizza seasoning necessary! : )

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